Thursday, May 31, 2012

Here we go!

It seems like things are starting to fall into place finally.  After not getting approval for IVF and resubmitting 3 times we were approved but the insurance company gave dates that had passed and if I were to start IVF last cycle it would have been messed up........ So they revoked the approval until I started a new cycle and had a confirmed BFN then I would need to submit again.  Talk about hoops!  Well we did it and finally yesterday it did go through.  I got the birth control pill before approval because insurance covers that anyway so no delay on that.

I am now on cycle day 13.  I have to take the pill until Cd 21 (June 8).  On Cd 18 (June 5) we start Lupron injections.  THEN when I start my period or June 18 (whichever comes first) I go in for blood work and ultrasound.  I don't know what will come after that yet, well I know more shots and more blood work and ultrasounds until I have my multitudes of eggs ready to be retrieved.

Only after a movie and a relaxing night last night am I starting to feel a bit more relaxed.  I must say that birth control and I DO NOT get along.  I have been a mess.  I have a foul mood all the time and my stomach is not right but I keep reminding myself it will be worth it in the end..........right :)!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I just finished my last BCP last night! I was not sad to say good bye to that little sucker of a pill! I had really bad nausea so I hope you don't get that! Good luck!
