So after purchasing ten vials in hopes of 2 or more babies, we are down to two vials and no babies. This is our dilemma…
I don't know if we should we switch the last two vials for another donor (our guy has been sold out forever) and then purchase another 5 of that new guy? I just confirmed with my insurance that if I were to do 6 Dr. assisted cycles by age 35 (this May) my insurance would cover IVF. We have already done 6 cycles at home that don’t count. If we purchase 5 more then we will have enough for 6 more tries and one more for IVF. God willing it will happen sooner and we keep the other swimmers for baby #2.
Also we are stumped on the new donor selection. The first time we went all out paid for all info and such. We had a long list of requirements that by the time we purchased most were off the list. Now I hate to admit, money is a real issue. We have wanted a known donor but that cost $100 more each vial. Is it wrong that I am having these thoughts? We are looking at 3 basic traits now Caucasian, blue/green eyes and over 5’7’. Honestly this is just to make the baby look like it is part of both of us as much as we can tell from a computer screen. We would be happy with a polka dotted baby at this moment as long as he/she were healthy and happy. I am starting to feel like I may be over thinking the whole thing or on the flip side not thinking enough this time around. What do you think?
Are you tied to a particular bank for any reason? I ask because Northwest doesn't charge more for willing-to-be-known (I think most of their donors fall into that category) and they're cheaper than a lot of other banks to begin with. I guess it'll depend on whether you want your kids to have the same donor--if you do it might make sense to switch, if not, just use the last two and worry about #2 when you get there.