Monday, March 25, 2013

Cycle Day 1

Well my period started again....  I actually thought this might have worked at one point but I was wrong.  We go for our follow up appointment Wed.  I am so discouraged right now and I feel like my body is not allowing them to implant.  I mentioned this once to the Dr. but he dismissed it.  I plan to ask again and really push for some testing but I don't even know.  We are getting Brooke warmed up for trying with her eggs in the next few months.
I still have the two frosties so I plan to go right into a FET unless testing delays that and that would be OK with me.

Well that's my update even though it sucks.

Thanks for all your well wishes they were very helpful on my low days.  YOU are appreciated :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about the BFN. It's hard. I hope your Dr isn't so dismissive this time when you talk on Wed. And I hope one of your frosties brings you a BFP next cycle. Keep your chin up. It's not easy I know.
