Friday, September 7, 2012

It has been a while.

I have been at a loss for things to say.  I am so excited to try again.  We met with the new Dr. and I really like him.  I learned more about my constantly changing situation.  The new doc thinks a total change in protocol might do the trick and I am totally happy about that.  I went in today for a saline sonogram and got results from all the blood work they did on Tuesday.  Well every thing looks great!  The crazy part is when we went to the new doc he looked at my old records and said the numbers indicate a diminished ovarian reserve (not as may eggs) for my age.  That explained my only having 4 eggs retrieved my last IVF and hence the new protocol.  Well the results he gave me today do not give the same conclusion, good right! BUT WHY?  He still wants to go the same route based on the results of the last IVF but even he couldn't say why the numbers were so different.

I am on the fast track now for my next IVF and I am excited but I am also unsure of my body.  I am so disappointed with myself. Hard to explain but I have let myself down.  I try so hard to be ready for the next cycle but it has been so long since we started all this, I am slacking.  I would rather sit on my couch and eat than get excited about a potential baby.

Well I have plans for this month to make things move smoother for me.  This weekend we are going to my sisters to celebrate my great nephews first birthday.  I am going to do my best to stay happy and honestly once I see the little man I will be happy so it should be fun.  Next weekend I am driving up to Maine to visit my mom for the weekend.  ( I have to leave Brooke at home because my family can't play nice and it sucks, but I will be happy to see my mom) I haven't seen her all summer and she will be headed back to FL soon.  Lastly the weekend following that we will go to CT to visit my mother in law.  It will be our 5th anniversary and we did get married in CT so it feels right to me.  It will be relaxing and a change from our everyday so I am excited.  We haven't been in a long time and that is strange for us and Brooke especially.  I think this may have been the longest we have gone without visiting ever.  We have been overwhelmed with Dr. appts and shots...  Well I don't have to do another thing until the day after our anniversary and that will only be taking a pill!

I really appreciate you guys who read this.  I really means something when you get a note from someone who doesn't even know you saying they are thinking about you and praying for you.  Words can't say!  It made me remember why I started this blog and what the end game is, so thank you!

I will give updates on all the upcoming events and I wish you all the best!  September is my favorite month so take a min and enjoy it with me!

Lots of love <3


  1. It's hard to stay at the top of your game all the time when the journey is so long. I have had the same problem so instead of feeling guilty I just try to focus on all the good stuff I have done and make the most of the times when I am inspired to exercise and eat right. Sometimes you just need to cut yourself so slack. It's great to hear you'll be trying again soon and that you have plenty of good things to distract yourself with till then :)

  2. Glad you like your new doctor. We are also pleased with our new Dr. Hang in there and don't give up!

  3. It was nice to see a blog from you! I hope that your visits over the next few weeks are relaxing and joyful! Good luck with the coming cycle. :)

  4. Hi - Hope you guys are doing ok. Just thought I'd let you know I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award :). If you want to participate, the instructions are on posted on my blog :). Congrats!
