Friday, April 5, 2013

We have a plan

After so many days of feeling like poop either from meds or emotions, I actually feel human today!  I called the Dr. yesterday and now I know I go in on the 11th for blood work and an ultrasound.  If everything looks good we will do the FET on the 16th.  We will put back both embryos and hope for the best.  Good or bad I don't know but the doctors at my clinic decided that the use of antibiotics and steroids are not necessary/beneficial for frozen cycles, so none of those this time.  Last time one of them made me puke, but if it was supposed to make things work I was all for it.  Well it didn't so I am trying to say maybe they are right!

I am so happy to see a clear blue sky and SUN!  I have nothing else interesting to report.  I hope you are all getting good weather too and get out and enjoy it a little.  Happy Friday!


1 comment:

  1. Glad you're feeling better, and that you have a plan! Fingers crossed!
