Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The long wait...

Well had surgery last week.  After all was said and done I found out the Dr. also did a D&C.  Still not exactly sure why but I think not knowing it was to happen makes it bad for me.  Then finding out I can't just go into what would be my next cycle since I was due for my period last Monday, I have to wait till I have a normal period.  Hopefully this is only one more cycle lost but it could be more.  The other thing that gets me is the Dr. said a number of times he found nothing that should have stopped me from getting pregnant.  THEN WHY THE D&C?  I know I just need to breath.
On Sunday Brooke and I went to a diner for breakfast.  It was packed with families and kids.  The waitress was even walking around with a little baby showing it off while the mom got to eat.  It made me happy to see but then in an instant that was over Brooke overheard the girl at the next table tell her family she was expecting.  Everyone was so happy and I wanted to scream.  Brooke was like why is it everywhere.  Man I could cry typing this.
Anyway I am working on coping with this little bump and I truly realize it is not the end of the world.  What is another month really?  I know better.

Thanks for your ear............


  1. Weird about the D&C. Maybe he was just trying to get everything cleaned out so you could have a new start? I'm sorry about the restaurant stuff--it's hard, and it lingers, unfortunately. Lynn broke into tears in target the other day because some dad was being an abusive jerk to his son and it all came back to her about how easy it is for some people and how hard it was for us. Just be gentle with yourself.

    1. I am sorry that you have had a rough time recently. I know what it is like to have everyone around you pregnant. I am pretty sure that every one of my friends on facebook has had a baby in the last year... or so it seems. It sucks that you have to wait another month, but maybe it will be good. Taking time off can be very relaxing. Hopefully some time without the stress of TTC and the D&C/surgery will set you up for a positive next month! I will keep my fingers crossed!

  2. Hi! I just nominated your blog for the Liebster Award-- I hope you're feeling better about things this week!

  3. I nominated your blog for a liesbster award!

  4. I just found your blog and I completely understand! My wife and I have been TTC since September. I have a blocked left tube so that reduces us to IUI only on months that I am ov on the right. We recently had our third the 2ww now.

    It is heartbreaking every time the Dr says, we can't do it this month, or when you get a BFN. My sister is due with her 3rd in about 3 weeks. While we are ecstatic to be aunties again because we love the nieces, it is very hard at the same time. Hang in there, from one couple TTC to another, not just from people that have no idea what you are going through. My wife said to me the other day: I think every couple should have to know what it feels like to go through IUI. I kind of agree.

    Best of luck to you! I will be following your blog. Please check ours out if you'd like.

  5. Saw where Small Obsessions gave you a mention and decided to visit! I'm so glad that I did and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things get better for you very soon!

    1. Hello! I just stopped in to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Hope all is well with you!
