Monday, March 4, 2013

CD 8

So I went for my first u/s and blood work on Sat morning.  They said they could see about 10 then but all to small to measure as expected.  Went in this morning after 6 days of stims I have two on my right measuring 12 and 12.5.  I also have 2 11's on my left but they don't count until they reach 12.  Also a few small ones who should catch up.  Things are looking good so far.

Update:  MIL got results back from the 12 nodes removed and all are cancer free!  So she will not have to have radiation but still needs chemo.  Looking at the positives.  She is doing well.

I update next appointment.

Hope you are all well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Glad to hear your mom and MIL are both doing well--that's scary to have them both dealing with health things at once! And I hope things are still going well with you this cycle!
