Friday, July 19, 2013

so nervous

I go for may second ultrasound on Monday and I am so nervous.  The first scan was perfect and we had never gotten to that point last time.  Also last time my back was so sore that I have convinced myself that was when I was losing the pregnancy.  I haven't had back pain like that at all and no spotting at all but I am still terrified.  My symptoms keep changing and I can't figure them out.  I haven't talked about it because it just makes me want to cry.  I know nothing can be done no matter what so I am trying to let it go but today it isn't working.  I really just want to go back to bed until I get to the second trimester.  I am sorry to be so down but I am.  My logical mind says I will have good news on Monday but by heart hurts about what could be. 
I found a new group on baby center of ladies over 35 and pregnant due around the same time.  I was so happy to find them because they seem so supportive compared to the big birth boards that have way too much drama for me.  I logged in this morning to find 2 more posts of ladies who went for scans and found the pregnancy wasn't viable.  It just set me off and I guess triggered me to write this.  It is all so scary to me right now and I hate it.

I think I have said enough.  I appreciate having a safe place to let my thoughts out.  I hope to be in better spirits soon and I promise to let you all know how the scan goes on Monday goes.


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