Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Attempt number SIX

So I think we are over the shock of another negative, well most of the time. 

Here is the new old plan.  We will start the clomid again tonight and take for the 5 days.  Then do it all over again for attempt number 6.  We have 4 vials left.  Haven’t discussed if we will do 2 again???  I plan to not POAS at all this cycle.  I don't want to know until it is real either way so no test at all until a missed period.  This is a busy time at work so I should do a little better not obsessing.  I am going to avoid baby center as much as I can.

Time to get a Christmas tree and think happy thoughts only.  Time for sadness to leave for a while, I hope you all have a great holiday and if I have happy things to say I will try to post again.

Happy Healthy thoughts to everyone!


  1. We are going in for an IUI this week. I am nervous about doing it this month too. I am pretty sure it will be a difficult Christmas is we get a BFN right before. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you guys. Best of luck! :)

  2. Looks like we will be on the same track. We did decide to do another two vials, going to try to change up the timing a little. We will see! Best of luck to you two as well. I know we can all use a little now :)
