Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Well I checked last night and I only have 3 cheep pregnancy tests and one FRER.  I am at 9dpo today and 10dpiui.  I had some cramping the other day but other than that I feel nothing but hope!  I wanted so badly to POAS this morning and it was soooo hard not to.  I am going to POAS Thursday no matter what.  I don't think I can handle waiting any longer and that will give me enough tests to get to my expected period.  FF says AF should be here on Christmas...nice right.  But that would be a long cycle for me.  I think that's why I want to test sooner :)

I keep checking in on folks on BBC and Blogs and I want you to know I am rooting for all of us still waiting.  The TWW is awful.  Now it is getting cold and gray outside which doesn't help.  Maybe I will take my Mom up on the visit to FL in Feb!  A tan and warm to the bone is nice mid winter and hopefully I won't have that luxury next year because I will be busy with a bundle if joy!

I'll be in touch soon and I hope with great news.


  1. February is absolutely the best time to go to Florida! And hopefully by that time your morning sickness will have subsided... ;)

  2. I am eagerly waiting to hear the results from this IUI. I really hope this was your month! Good luck, my fingers and toes are crossed for you guys! :)
