Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Well I went to the RE yesterday and in the end all was fine but honestly I should have changed doctors when I had the chance.  (and I do know I still can)  He sat down at his desk and started talking and looking at my chart then he stopped and said why are you here?  His notes said I was going to try 3 more times and then come in again to start monitoring and more meds.  I had done the 3 tries I wonder why I was in?!  Anyway I told him I wanted to take it to the next level and he said IVF, I SAID NO.  Then I told him my plan and we went from that.

So I will go in for pregnancy test on Sat.  Based on that I will know if I am starting injectables.  The nurse showed me how to make the mixture and how to poke myself.  I am a little nervous especially because Brooke is away for a week so I am on my own for the first ones most likely.  I can do it!  I just have to keep telling myself this :)

On another note we had a busy weekend. We had a new water heater installed and some other random plumbing issues fixed.  We had a junk removal company come and clean out our garage and basement and the house looks good.  It is also really nice to take a bath in clear hot water.  It has been rusty for a while.

I also just read on baby center that we can claim sperm as a medical expense on taxes!  (it does have stipulations as one would expect) Who would have thought?  So any of you ladies buying sperm take advantage.

My last dilemma is if I wait till Sat for the results or do I buy two pregnancy tests today?  I have almost run out to get them more than once but I feel I should just wait....but then again???  What do you think?


  1. Change docs! And yes, if your medical expenses go over (I think) 7.5% of your gross income you can start writing off all kinds of things. Just start keeping good notes now--I'm expecting a very nice tax return this year because of TTC! I could never wait on the testing, personally...

    1. I would take a home pregnancy test... but I am so bad at being patient. If you can hold out until Saturday though, at least you will have definite confirmation from the doc one way or another. And... I agree with Isa, I would change doctors. He sounds disorganized. You want as many good feels as possible during this process; find a doctor that you love! :)
