Friday, January 6, 2012

Ups and downs

Well I think I am calm for now.  It has been a long week.  After the BFN on Christmas and a few days for that to sink in we decided to buy 5 vials from a new donor and exchange the last two to match.  I figure if I go for the insemination each cycle with the Dr. ($350 + sperm) for the next 6 months at least i will qualify for IVF in July.  Worst-case scenario.  I want to do maybe 2 medicated monitored cycles in that mix also just to see. 

Well that’s where it all goes down hill.  We ordered the sperm.  I called the clinic and they seemed put off that I would just want them to inseminate in a week.  It's not like the doctor didn't make that one of the choices when we went in for all our tests and such.  I don't know why this would be confusing.  They gave me such a run around and said I seemed to be rushing this cycle.  How could I rush a simple insemination?  I didn't need anything more than the insemination.  No monitoring no meds and I am paying out of pocket!  Well after a few calls and a run into my regular Dr. for more blood work the said I didn't have complete (they drew my blood)  I am all set.

Brooke just picked up the swimmers and dropped them off at the clinic.  Got a smiley face this morning now I am waiting to see what the clinic says...waiting, and waiting.  They really suck at calling back. Either way I want to relax and tell myself this one is just for the books, I mean I would be on the moon if it worked but the plan is set for our next try in Feb.

Brooke is going out to LA and Colorado with her mom to see her brothers in two weeks and I am excited to say I am planning on going to Florida at the end of Feb. for a week.  I can't wait to just sit in the warm sun and feel alive.

I guess that’s it for now.  Just need to get through this insem and look ahead to the happy future in 2012.


  1. Ugh. I'm sorry they were being so weird. Hopefully this is the last time you'll need to deal with them!

  2. Glad to hear that you guys are started on your new plan. Sorry that the doctor's office is being lame. You should talk to the doctor directly (when you are able) and let them know what happened. This process is hard enough without people being weird and stand-offish. Anyway, good luck! I will be a day or two behind you on the TWW this month. :)
